Updated: May 09, 2024 - Published: Oct. 11, 2022 • 4 min read

7 Top Ways To Get Christmas Printing Organised | Mixam

It's the most wonderful time of the year - so get ahead of the rush and let Mixam help you get your prints ready for Christmas with this practical guide.

7 Top Ways To Get Christmas Printing Organised | Mixam

Are you counting down the days to Christmas like we are? It can be a challenging and exciting time for all of us - particularly when you rely on print to boost business.

Whether you sell printed goods online or use print as a marketing tool for your products and services, you should change your printing habits to entice your customers ahead of the rush. And with time in short supply, we've come up with some helpful tips and ideas you can use to ensure your Christmas printing goes as smoothly as possible.


Plan ahead

Like Santa, you'll want plenty of time to plan your work ahead of your deadline! High volumes of print work during this time of year can cause delays during production, so while it may seem obvious, deciding what you want to print and how to print it will save you time, money and effort in the long run. And considering how and where you will store your prints will help you decide how best to preserve and protect your work.


Print with purpose - and promote!

Are your prints purely functional, or do you intend to sell your printed goods? Social media and email marketing can work wonders for sales - but printed items like gift guides and limited edition prints all help to boost interest. We recommend taking a holistic approach here - ensure your prints and online work reflect one another. This approach will make it easier for your customers to identify you, meaning they can make decisions quicker, and you can guide them through the buyer's journey.

Wherever you showcase your products, whether online, in a shop or at a Christmas market, think about how you want to display your work and make sure you update your product descriptions. And remember to tag us in your posts and videos - we'd love to see you and your print work getting into the festive spirit!


Know what works - and what doesn't 

Christmas is always a good time to reflect on the past year and decide what truly benefits you and your business. Look for trends in your previous sales and consider repeating processes if something went well. Was there a paper type or finish that your customers particularly liked? You could even revamp existing artwork files and give them a Christmas theme.


Make VIPs feel like VIPs

Everyone likes to feel valued and appreciated. And for your most devoted customers, giving personalised/custom gifts is a surefire way to encourage them to continue their relationship with you and your business into the new year. 

Sending Postcards with handwritten messages or even gifting people personalised prints are thoughtful ways to show gratitude. Printed gifts may even prompt the recipient to tell their friends and family about you, which can be beneficial for increasing brand awareness.


Remove slow stock

Some print work always sells or serves a purpose better than others. For the less successful prints, Christmas is a great time to sell them off at discounted prices. This tactic will also help you make way for new and improved stock.


Check your budget

Review how much you spend on your products and how much ROI (return on investment) you aim to make. You may even find that another printed product gives you the same great results without spending more. Or perhaps one print item can serve more than one purpose. For example, Brochure prints could double as an invitation to an event you're hosting.


Be flexible with your timings! 

Due to high volumes of print work, delays are possible leading up to Christmas. Mixam's delivery and shipping dates are estimated, and we recommend placing your print orders early with enough time to spare if you need to adjust your print files. And remember to check your postal delivery deadlines for your country so that if you're fulfilling orders, you can get them out to your customers in good time.


For more news and inspiration, check out the array of posts on Mixam's Blog and visit our Support section for helpful guidance and advice on all things print.


Image Credit: Freepik

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